The Mobile Pre interface (2 mic pres, USB connectivity) with PT MP 9 runs only $329 US. Right now they seem to be highlighting three interfaces in particular. If you purchase their hardware with Pro Tools MP 9 you save a TON of cash. Where M-Audio is really selling you is the bundle deals. Of course if you want twice the tracks, higher sample rates, and no hardware requirement, you can always upgrade later. This is huge, because you get the ADC and Bounce to MP3 options that people wanted in Pro Tools LE and M-Powered before, but now you don’t necessarily have to jump to Pro Tools 9 to get them. ADC (Automatic Delay Compensation) included.This really is a great option though as M-Audio makes some fantastic interfaces. At only $299, Pro Tools MP 9 will give you almost all the same functionality but at a cost…you have to still be tethered to M-Audio hardware. You can run it on any hardware (or no hardware) and it finally has all the updates people wanted. In essence, as Pro Tools LE was dropped for the more robust Pro Tools 9, standalone DAW, M-Audio is carrying a still more affordable alternative that boasts many of the same great new features of Pro Tools 9, but at a price that’s hard to pass up. Last week at the Musikmesse 2011 show in Frankfurt, Avid/M-Audio unveiled an update to their Pro Tools M-Powered line, simply called Pro Tools MP 9.